Perfect customer management

It has no structure, and therefore is invisible, but it has the strongest energy-informational potential, which it seems to throw into a person, as if through a syringe. If an electron passes through a person calmly, so calmly that a person, as a rule, does not even notice it, then the idea, if it has already hit a person, causes an energy-informational storm in him.

How does customer management work through an idea? It’s very simple. First the idea is generated. […]

A new way to manage clients

The situation faced by the modern economy, and with it modern business and marketing, is quite interesting. It is interesting because it happened for the first time in the history of mankind. There was nothing like this before, because before there was always a shortage of goods, a shortage of resources and everything sold well. Now he is gone, there are so many goods that the eyes run away, there are also enough resources and they are quite cheap, so […]

Who invests in Web3 — the world’s largest investors and leading countries in Web3 projects

What is Web3

Web3 is the stage of Internet development, which should follow Web 1.0 (the emergence and beginning of the development of the Internet) and Web 2.0 (the current stage).

The term Web3 was formulated in 2007 by Jason Kalakanis, head of . The entrepreneur believed that in the “Internet of the future” the user will see a new level of high-quality content that will be created by professionals.

Stages of Internet development Stages of Internet development

The key idea of Web3 […]