It has no structure, and therefore is invisible, but it has the strongest energy-informational potential, which it seems to throw into a person, as if through a syringe. If an electron passes through a person calmly, so calmly that a person, as a rule, does not even notice it, then the idea, if it has already hit a person, causes an energy-informational storm in him.
How does customer management work through an idea? It’s very simple. First the idea is generated. Then it is embedded in the client and begins to influence him. This is where customer management begins. As a result of the implementation of the idea, an energy-informational storm arises within the client.
At first, the client does not know what is happening to him, he wants to deal with it and he needs information. He is looking for this information, he becomes its consumer. When there is enough information, when curiosity is eliminated, the storm continues, and with renewed vigor. He already knows what is happening to him and knows what he needs. In this case, a person has a state of need, which is eliminated through the purchase of goods.
At the same time, the product must correspond to the idea that created an energy-informational storm in it. The customer perceives the need created in this way as a personal desire to receive some kind of product. He seems to acquire this object for himself, but really in order to release an energy-informational storm from himself in order to develop an idea embedded in him. In this way, it is possible to create not only needs, but also new market segments
Due to the fact that the idea remains in a person, an energy-informational storm, even if it is released outside of a person, can play out in him again and again. This is the second stage of customer management. Now customer management goes through the re-activation of the implemented idea. When the idea is reactivated, for example through advertising, the client again needs a certain object that was previously purchased.
This storm will affect the client from the inside, and cause him to desire
For example, very often in a person this storm is caused by the idea of hunger. A person can get rid of this storm only if he eats. Food is like the grounding of an energy–informational storm. Another example is information hunger. It arises whenever a new idea is introduced into a person.
As a result, an energy-informational storm is played out, more precisely, there is more information than energy. In this case, a person needs to get certain information, and he does it through available means: mobile phones, newspapers, the Internet, and the like. The constant introduction of new ideas causes the need for the Internet, mobile phones, newspapers and magazines
Thus, the main activity of any company, which only brings it profit, is to work with ideas aimed at managing customers by introducing new ideas into them, or by activating old ideas. The client is actually the person in whom your idea is embedded. Working with ideas will create an energy-informational storm in the client again and again.
This storm will affect the client from the inside, and cause him to desire and need information or an object, which is the product that the company produces or sells. In order for this activity to constantly produce results, i.e., in order for this activity to constantly allow the sale of goods and services in the right volumes, the company must have a customer management system.
This is a fairly simple system, but it is on its availability that the final result of any commercial activity depends – profit. In order to build this system, you need to read marketing articles written in the language of noomarketing. The more such articles are read, the more effective the system will be built. If there is not enough information, you can always get business and marketing advice and answers to all questions.